Monday, November 29, 2010

The Kennewick Man

The remains of the Kennewick ManImage via WikipediaIn 1996 a skeleton was found on the shore of the Colombia river, it's been dubbed The Kennewick man. Subsequent tests have dated the skeleton at 9300 years old. The only unusual feature is that the skeleton is of a Caucasian.

This has caused a great deal of controversy, and the local Native tribes have demanded possesion of the skeleton for 'proper burial'. It seems they have taken an unusual interest in this particular skeleton, as many have been collected and the local tribes reacted with disinterest.

Apparently they don't like the idea of not being the original peoples of the North American continent. A great book to read on this subject is "America B.C." by Barry Fell. Fell presents proof on Ancient Celtic writings and monuments all over New England.

There is a great deal of emerging evidence for a pre-historical world civilization. It's a subject of great interest to me, and I'll be sure and post a good number of follow up posts in this area.
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