My girlfriend in the Philippines snapped this picture while working as a nurse in the hospital in rural Leyte. It was taken on her cell phone while on a break. I can assure you she knows very little about computers - certainly not enough to do any photoshopping. I have seen many ghost pictures on the net, and even walked around a cemetery trying to snap some myself. I had always remained a bit skeptical of them in this day and age of image manipulation. However, this speaks for itself. Click on the image to enlarge.
It's odd the the ghost seems to be aware of the camera, and reaching toward the photographer. I'm going to get a bit more information from her and add to this post.
I talked to my girlfriend and got the story straight. It was taken by another nurse an hour before she came on her shift. The man behind the ghost is a doctor who doesn't like his photo taken (because he's very ugly) I'm told, and the girl in white who is blurred in the foreground is another nurse. She's shy and doesn't like her picture taken either, apparently they like playing with this nurse, trying to get her on film and she always ducks out of the way or covers her face.. When my girlfriend arrived, there was a tremendous buzz at the hospital and everybody was passing the picture around.
I have worked in graphic design for years, and what I have noticed that the pinkish horizontal line that runs through the image is uninterrupted, although less visible through the ghost. If it is a fake, it's a very good one. I also asked her to be sure the picture was taken on the night she arrived, and she told me that everybody was still dressed in the clothes you see in the picture. She knows everybody present by name as she has worked with them for a long time.
When she was sending me the photo she told the internet cafe to 'make it clearer for me'. I told her that was not a good thing to do, and scolded her for having the image changed. She told me they just lightened it as the original picture is darker. She agreed to email me the original as soon as possible, which I will post here.
I asked her is she now believes in ghosts and she said "Not really". I then asked her why and she said "If I was the one to take the picture, then I would believe". She is skeptical, but assures me that the picture is not a fake, and was taken a hour before she arrived.
One other thing. She told he there is a ceiling fan near to where the photo was snapped. She says it's very dirty and hasn't worked in 11 years, but that night, at exactly 12am, it started to spin.
Word spread around the hospital among the staff, and eventually reached the patients. She told me a lot of the patients demanded to be checked out immediately.
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